Mecha Uma
A passion-drive project conceived by Bruce Ricketts gave birth to Mecha Uma, a restaurant boasting a global cuisine intertwined with Japanese nuances. The menu offers a seasonal tasting in which ingredients are airflown from Japan. It also utilizes local organic produce.
Tucked in a little corner, where everything is quiet contrary to the usual scene in BGC, is Mecha Uma. Mecha Uma is an abbreviation of a Japanese expression, mechakucha and umai meaning absurd, and unreasonably delicious, which fittingly reflects the quality of their food.
Start with this fresh Tuna (P255) abundant in rich flavors, sandwich in coconut tuile responsible for keeping all the ingredients intact.
Tuna (P255) with coconut, foie gras mousse, roasted pineapple
For your main, dig in to their best-selling Matsusaka Gyu (P2450), a black-haired wagyu also known as Japanese Black. The meat is tender and moist, although the secret behind its amazing flavor is the charred eggplant black sauce.
Matsusaka Gyu (P2450) with charred eggplant, wasabi scallion, ponxu, and cabrales emulsion
Enjoy a feast of rich flavor at Mecha Uma and feel like you’re dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Because the space is limited, and for a restaurant with high-caliber, it is best to call in for reservation first.
Photos from Mecha Uma