Suzuyo Cold Chain, Medical Logistics, Logistics and Storage
Suzuyo Whitelands Logistics, Inc. is the Philippine branch of Suzuyo Company & Ltd., headquartered in Shizuoka Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Founded in the country in 1995, the company was primarily engaged in the importation and exportation of goods. It has then evolved into a local corporation in 2015 and started developing its own domestic logistics services utilizing its own fleet of trucks in 2017. Now, it has branched out in Medical Logistics and Cold Chain, hoping to expand their services to new fields.
Offering Safe and Secure Storage/Logistics in the Philippines
Suzuyo Whitelands Logistics, Inc is the Philippine branch of Suzuyo Company & Ltd., headquartered in Shizuoka Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
The company started its business in the Philippines in 1995 and is mainly engaged in import and export business. In 2015, it became a local corporation and since 2017, it has been developing domestic logistics services using its own trucks.
The Best of Suzuyo’s Cold Chain
Suzuyo Whitelands Logistics, Inc is the first Japanese company to enter the business category of Cold Chain Services in the Philippines, offering security and safety to various customers. Aside from logistics in food products, the company is also engaged in the distribution of pharmaceutical products, which requires strict temperature control.
1)Four years of operations for the pharmaceutical industry in the Philippines
Before delivery with temperature-controlled vehicles was brought to the country, more than half of the volume of food products were disposed of due to bad quality of storage and transportation.
However, the loss and disposal of food products were reduced and improved as secure and safe temperature-controlled vehicles were introduced.
As a logistics company, Suzuyo engages with clients that have headquarters here in the country who handles fruit products such as bananas and pineapple, which require temperature control for delivery to maintain the quality of the products.
3)Distributing high-quality milk in the Philippines—the true value of Suzuyo’s Cold Chain
The dairy industry in the Philippines consists of 2% fresh from the farm cow milk, while the remaining 98% is either imported from another country or from powder milk, which has a longer shelf life.
With this, Suzuyo is currently working with dairy companies that produce milk. Suzuyo takes pride in delivering an estimate of more than 100 trips per month of milk fresh from the farm. Through their logistics services, fresh milk products with green packaging are now accessible at middle-class supermarkets.
Due to the business custom of distribution in the Philippines, various intermediaries enter between producers and consumers where the product price goes up at the same time, the quality gets worse. Suzuyo’s role is to provide service to eliminate those various intermediaries and simply connects producers, consumers, with security and safety.
The Best of Suzuyo’s Import / Export business!
In the import and export business, Suzuyo also provides borderless logistics to its customers by utilizing their own tracking service mainly for North America.
1)Characteristics of Suzuyo’s international logistics
Suzuyo has local subsidiaries in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, and is also affiliated with UPS—one of the world’s leading logistics integrators.
In addition, Suzuyo also utilizes its international logistics network of more than 450 bases in 120 countries and combine it with their own network to provide speedy, detailed services and support to its customers’ overseas business with high-quality logistics services.
Considering the quantity and lead time, Suzuyo offers optimum transportation modes such as air, sea transportation, and international intermodal transportation service that combines land, sea, and air, and have been evaluated by customers.
2)Import and export progress management system originally developed by Suzuyo
When importing or exporting, there are many work processes to be made up to the arrival of the shipment at the site such as advance preparation.
Suzuyo can monitor the import and export shipment in real-time by using the LTS (Logistics Tracking System), an import and export progress management system originally developed by Suzuyo.
By using Suzuyo’s management system, it is possible to track and manage the status of shipping operations for each bill of lading (B/L).
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