Sarugaku Restaurant in Nagano, Japan
For lunch or dinner in Hakuba, Nagano, visit this private teppanyaki restaurant called Sarugaku. The teppanyaki room can only hold up to 6 people, hence their priority on those with reservations. If you are looking for a fun dinner then Sarugaku is the best choice. Enjoy the high quality Japanese-style fresh beef and fried rice risotto prepared by the expert chef at your table.
Also read: It’s time to meet Nagano, Japan
Preparing teppanyaki for guests
Appetizer (sweet potato, tuna, prawn and peach)
Main Dish: Pork Teppanyaki
Contact Details:
GO! NAGANO (Nagano Prefecture Official Tourism Guide)
Sarugaku Restaurant
3020-957 Hokujo, Hakuba Village, Nagano
*This story first appeared in Philippine Primer magazine April 2017 issue.