April 04, 2019

Sainlak, Inc.: A Gateway to Building Strong Market in the Philippines

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  • Sainlak, Inc.: A Gateway to Building Strong Market in the Philippines

    With a lot of new products—local and international brands alike—being introduced into the Philippine market, it has been a tough competition for some companies to sell new products to the growing market.

    Good thing is that there is a company here in the country ready to help businesses introduce new products in the Philippine market, and that’s just what Sainlak, Inc. is here for!

    Sainlak, Inc. was established in 2016 and started its operations in 2017 as wholesale distribution, importation, and manufacturing company of food products to the Philippines.

    Its parent company, HSK East Corporation, was founded back in 1995 and started as a manufacturer of Green Forest—a herbal tea brand. It eventually ventured to the importing business, thus the birth of Sainlak, Inc.

    Green Forest Banaba Herbal Tea

    Having acquired HSK East Corporation’s two-decade green tea business, the Green Forest brand has already claimed a spot as a retail product distributed in over 400 outlets today. This includes Mercury Drug, The Landmark, Robinsons Supermarket, Cash & Carry, Makati Supermarket, Pioneer Center Supermarket, Unimart, and Hi-Top Supermart.

    For those who do not know, Green Forest Banaba Herbal Tea features “Banaba,” a well-known herbal tea widely used in the country for its medicinal use. These banaba ingredients are locally supplied from the province of Zambales.

    As of now, there are 6 variants of the Green Forest Banaba Herbal Tea such as pure Banaba, Banaba with green tea, Banaba premium tea, Sambong tea with Banaba, Moringa or Malunggay with Banaba, and pure green tea—each with a ton of health benefits.

    Green Forest Banaba Herbal Tea (Php 110/30 teabags; Php 60/15 teabags)/ IMAGE HSK East Corporation

    Aside from the local market, this herbal tea brand is also being exported to neighboring countries such as Japan and Korea. They currently have mints and various snacks in addition to their retail products.

    As a distribution company

    With a reach of about 400 outlets in Metro Manila alone from the green tea business, Sainlak used this asset to help foreign companies introduce new products to the local market scene.

    “I think having the outlet accounts is the most valuable asset (for the business) because it is really difficult to open an account in a supermarket or drug stores right now as they limit or actually decrease the accounts,” said Sainlak founder Kohei Higashi.

    Sainlak serves as a middle man in the distribution cycle. Companies who eye on introducing a new product in the local market scene but have a hard time doing so can use Sainlak’s market outlets to distribute their products.

    IMAGE Sainlak, Inc.

    What Sainlak do is they check first the market and see if the new product is feasible in the local market or not by providing samples to the customers in supermarkets or retail shops they have close ties with. After which, they’ll help with the FDA registration for food and cosmetic products.

    “Let’s say you are new (in the market) and then you present your product to the market, we don’t accept new accounts anymore. So if you want to supply (products) here, please use the current suppliers, and that’s one of us,” Higashi said.”It is a waste if they do all these things and once they have it, no one buys (their products),” he added.

    Sainlak, Inc. Founder Kohei Higashi

    The catch is businesses are assured of the wide reach Sainlak can provide them in terms of market and distribution. So if you want to present new products you think would fit the local market, let Sainlak help you through it!

    For more information, you may contact Sainlak at (02) 239-1746 and (02) 964-1551 or send them an email at info@sainlak.com. You can also check their website at sainlak.com. Their main office is located at 437 Cityland Pasong Tamo Tower 2210 Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.

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