Kumon: An Afterschool Learning Program
Want something worthwhile for your kids to do after school? Check out Kumon!
Created by Toru Kumon, Kumon is a private tutoring organization. It is a known afterschool learning which teaches Mathematics and Reading educational methods known as the Kumon Method.
(Photo grabbed from koreatimes.co.kr)
What makes Kumon a popular afterschool program in the Philippines is that it has four strengths compared to other tutoring services in the country. It has individualized instruction which makes students more focused depending on their age and skills, it has self-learning where students learn to gain confidence and do their exercises on their own. It also has small-step worksheets ranging from easy to difficult levels. Kumon has an international version of Math program consisting of 20 levels which are all carefully designed so there is an increase the level of difficulty that students can move up on their own. Also, Kumon instructors do not spoon-feed its students. These instructors are known to focus on guiding students to complete exercises on their own all the while assuring that the students fully understand the lessons before solving on their own.
Kumon, which first started in Japan now has various branches all over the world. In the Philippines, Kumon has branches in and outside Metro Manila from Luzon to Mindanao. Enroll your kids now and let them have the Kumon advantage!