Medical Feature: Dr. Evan Glenn Vista, MD
Rheumatology and clinical immunology is a subspecialization of internal medicine dealing with the study of immunological abnormalities involved in pathogenesis or the development of disease affecting the joints, soft tissues, and autoimmune diseases which, in some cases, might be caused by genetics.
Medical practitioners under this subspecialty conduct medical evaluation through physical examination and inspection of involved local joints. With that, let’s get to Dr. Evan Glenn Vista, a doctor of internal medicine specializing in rheumatology and clinical Immunology.
Dr. Evan Glenn Vista, MD
Internal Medicine – Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
At a young age, Dr. Evan Glenn Vista was already exposed to and fascinated with the art of healing as he came from a family of physicians. He took up medicine at the University of Sto. Tomas, did further training at St. Luke’s Medical Center and Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, and started his professional practice in 2010.
Aside from being a medical practitioner, he is also a professor in the medical college of St. Luke’s Medical Center. As a rheumatologist, Dr. Vista sees patients with rheumatic conditions including all forms of arthritis and systemic autoimmune diseases like lupus.
He credits the ever-evolving knowledge and technology in medicine, which give more options for better health outcomes nowadays. He cites the then five-year survival rates for systemic lupus that could now approximate the normal life span of a healthy individual if treated properly.
Dr. Vista advises aspiring medical practitioners two things: to remain pro-active and curious with the boundless future of medicine and to be a vessel for positive change to your patients’ lives.
Also read: Medical Feature: Dr. Emmerson Vista MD, FPDS, DPVS
Make an appointment:
1116 Medical Arts Bldg., St. Luke’s Medical Center Global City
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: 10 am to 4 pm
Contact Nos.: 02-789-7700 loc. 7116 / 0922-873-2513
This first appeared in Philippine Primer English magazine’s March 2020 issue