PhilAPEX, the Very First Auto Parts Expo in the Country
The very first Auto Parts Expo in the country took place at the Philippine Trade Trading Center last October 12-13, 2017 under the Philippine Parts Maker Association (PPMA), with the support of the Department of Trade and Industry – Board of Investments (DTI-BOI).
This 2-day event was open to the general public and showcase auto parts that are locally manufactured. Visitors also saw prototypes of the new version of jeepneys, while businesses who attended the event were given networking opportunities among local part makers and international vehicle manufacturers.
Earlier this year, the Department of Trade and Industry announced that the slot budget for ordinary PUVs will be shifted to eco-PUV vehicles. The Philippine Auto Parts Expo (PhilAPEX) featured locally-developed eco-PUV prototypes as a solution to the modernization program introduced by DTI.
Written by: Patricia Antoinette M. Nacianceno