Contribute to Philippine Primer
2 Ways to Contribue:
- Pitch a topic or idea
Is there something about the Philippines that you would want to know more about? Maybe a particular custom, trend, food, process, or event? Share it with us and we’ll do our best to write about it!
- Submit lifestyle topics that are about/can be found in the Philippines only. It can be about food, travel, business, government processes, tips, events, services available, pop culture, Philippine history and tradition, guide to Manila, or just something that’s been bothering you during your stay.
- Send your topic to together with the following details:
- Topic
- Why you think we should write about it
- Name
- Nationality
- Where are you living here in Philippines
- Instagram (optional)
- Write your story
There’s no doubt that the Philippines is such a beautiful country with so much to see and explore. And as much as we’d want to do it ourselves, it’s not something that we can do in a heartbeat. That’s where you come in!
Write a review about interesting things you want others, especially our foreign friends, to experience. It can be a restaurant you tried, a hotel you stayed at or a tourist attraction you visited. We’d love to hear them and share it to our readers.
What we are looking for:
- A 300-500 word article written in third person.
- Since this is a recommendation, it’s better if you point out the key selling point/s, taking into consideration the location, ambiance, service, and quality. But don’t overdo it.
- Articles submitted must have original content; that way, you’ll be credited for your work!
Articles submitted will be subject to editorial standards, we can’t guarantee that your article will be posted. Since this is a recommendation to our readers, we want to make sure that what you’ve written is meant for them.
- Send your article with pictures (must also be original) to When you submit your piece, please include details, such as address, telephone number, business hours and website, of the place you are featuring.
- Contributors who are willing to write free of charge. However, if you want to get paid, you can apply as a part-time writer, which will have stricter guidelines and you’ll be subject to strict screening. (Email your resume and sample pieces to: