October 12, 2022

LIST: 6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Condo Clean

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  • LIST: 6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Condo Clean
  • Keeping your condominium unit clean and organized can be difficult, especially if you’re living on your own. Some people even put it off as long as possible to avoid the boring, time consuming day of cleaning that will takes hours to finish. If you’re residing in one, it is important that you clean it regularly to prevent any health problems that may occur someday. It is recommended that you tidy your space up at least once a week, so you can remove dirt and impurities as well as unpleasant smell from your place immediately. If you’re having troubles, here are some simple cleaning tips and tricks that you can follow easily from our friends at Berenta.


    Use multiple trash cans

    IMAGE from Pexels

    One of the common mistakes condo occupants commit is having only one trash can inside their unit. Aside from giving you more leeway, doing so encourages you and companions to optimize their use and decrease littering inside your unit. Make sure to throw your garbage in proper waste containers to make it safe and secure. By using the right container, you help preserve the environment, prevent pets from meddling with trash, and keep your unit clean and tidy.

    Upcycle reusable items

    IMAGE from Pixabay

    Upcycling is an Earth-friendly way of recycling junk into something useful. Instead of throwing away everything straight into the trash can, check which of these items you could still reuse in any way you can. You can make personalized stationery holders out of soda or tuna cans or transform toilet paper rolls as cable organisers to prevent them from getting tangled up.

    Find a spot for everything in your unit

    IMAGE from Pixabay

    Do you have a messy kitchen pantry stocked with God-knows-what? Got a disorganized bathroom counter? Does your unit looks like it was wrecked by a tornado? If you that’s the case, you should get your act together.

    Find an easy-to-locate spot for your stuff. Figure out where you’d want to place everyday items such as your charger and car keys and then return them to the same spot. Always. You’ll be suprised how this one simple trick can keep your condo from getting messier and messier.


    Clean surfaces as much as possible

    IMAGE from Pexels

    Condominium units and apartments are prone to dust and dirt. When you enter your place, you are also bringing dirt with you. It is easier to eliminate these dirts by vacuuming but you can also consider wiping and sweeping if you don’t have a vacuum yet. Use a wet or damp cloth, feather duster, or paper towels in cleaning surfaces in your unit. Don’t forget to wipe hard-to-reach surfaces such as cupboard tops, kitchen soffits, and in-between blinds.

    If you’re planning to buy one, the best choice is a model with a HEPA filter. These filters HEPA filters trap particles such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites by forcing air through a fine mesh.



    IMAGE from Pexels

    If you really want to declutter your unit, you must discard items that lack value. Since condo space is limited, there is no reason to keep something around if you haven’t used it in a decade. And while parting with things can be hard, it is better to declutter your place today than eventually be surrounded by a heaping pile of useless junk like a hoarder.

    Discarding things you will never ever need or use such as old bills and mail; expired food, medicine, and supplements; old clothes, bags, and shoes; old electronics and gadget, among others. Once you finish decluttering, make sure you don’t start collecting unnecessary stuff to prevent another build up.


    Clean as you go

    IMAGE from Pexels

    The best way to keep your unit clean is to keep things tidy as you go. Throw flyers, bills, and mail into the bin right after reading instead of allowing them to pile up somewhere. Bored? Wipe down the kitchen sink. Vacuum the living room while streaming. Doing these deceptively simple household chores when you’re not busy will keep them from piling up into a long cleaning day that will take hours to finish.

    The cleanliness and orderliness of your condominium unit will determine your lifestyle and reflect you as a person. Make it one of your priorities. Live in a dirt-free and comfortable living space by doing these simple tasks.

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