July 06, 2021

MMDA’s 10 Things That Drivers Should Know

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  • MMDA’s 10 Things That Drivers Should Know
  • Picture this: you’re on your way home from a busy work day plying EDSA or any of the major arteries in Metro Manila. All of the sudden, you see a traffic enforcer flagging you down. What do you do?


    THEY HAVE THEIR RULES, TOO. Make sure you remember these things if you’re ever flagged down by an MMDA traffic enforcer.

    Most people are clueless about what to do when this happens. Good thing the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has come out with 10 things that drivers should know:



    1. MMDA enforcers are not allowed to group together while apprehending a motorist. They are even not allowed to stand together in groups of two or more, except during special operations (i.e. apprehending groups of smoke-belching/colorum buses).
    1. Swerving is NOT a violation… per se. Swerving is defined as a movement wherein a vehicle shifts from one lane to another. This means you do it every time you’re on the road, unless you’re one of those people who stick to one lane. It’s never a reason for them to pull you over unless it’s done recklessly (abrupt lane change, not using your signal lights, or swerving across solid lines) or if there are signs that prohibit swerving in that area.
    1. Never surrender your driver’s license to the traffic enforcer unless you were involved in a traffic accident, have three or more unsettled violations, or were apprehended for an administrative violation*. If they do confiscate your license, the traffic enforcer should tell you why they did and how long your ticket will serve as your “license”. Should you refuse to surrender your license, they can (and will) take your license plate based on Sections 74 & 75 of Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 89-105.
    1. Private vehicles are NOT ALLOWED to use the yellow lane except when they are about to make a turn that REQUIRES you to use the yellow lane. The yellow lane is for the exclusive use of City Buses. Traffic enforcers can’t selectively apprehend private vehicles that use the yellow lane.

    If you want to use the yellow lane, you should start shifting lanes once you see broken white lines painted diagonally on the road. These lines mean you’re 50 meters from an intersection.

    1. When in doubt, ask for their mission order. Each traffic enforcer has his/her own written mission order issued by MMDA Central Admin ON THEIR PERSON, and you’re free to ask the enforcer to show you their mission order. It includes their area of responsibility, time of duty, and their official function. It also says whether they can issue a ticket or not. If they don’t have one, they can’t apprehend you, much less issue a ticket.
    1. Traffic enforcers should issue a ticket in complete uniform with visible nameplates. If the person flagging you down isn’t wearing one, is not in complete uniform, then they’re out to make a quick buck. They’re also instructed to accomplish the ticket, known as a Traffic Violation Receipt or TVR, without any delays or arguments to prevent traffic congestion.
    1. Traffic enforcers are allowed to issue a TVR for their towing fee. If you fail to pay the fine after your vehicle is impounded, you’ll be given another TVR telling you how many days your vehicle has spent at the impound area.
    1. Before apprehending, the traffic enforcer should flag you down and lead you to the roadside where you will not obstruct the flow of traffic. They should also be courteous in informing you of your violation.
    1. Don’t get out of the vehicle. They’re not allowed to ask you to get out of the car. They’re also not allowed to ask for or accept bribes, so don’t even try.
    1. The following can be taken as a valid driver’s license during apprehensions:
    • ID Plastic Card
    • DLR/Temporary Driver’s License
    • TOP (Temporary Operator’s Permit)
    • International Driver’s License
    • Foreign License

    The enforcer should exercise diligence in checking if the data written on the ID you present is accurate.

    If you encounter any traffic enforcer violating any of these, get their name as written on their nameplate and submit a letter of complaint to the Traffic Adjudication Board (TAB), MMDA Bldg., EDSA cor. Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City or to email@mmda.gov.ph. Make sure you include full details of the incident and attach photos or videos if possible. It should be sent within 5 days of the apprehension.

    If you get into an argument with a traffic enforcer, you can call MMDA Hotline 136 or MMDA Metrobase at 0917-527-7304. Make sure you ask the Metrobase to send inspectors to go to the place where the argument is taking place for proper investigation.


    *List of violations, click here.

    Source: MMDA, AutoDeal

    Images grabbed from: (1) MMDA Official Facebook page; (2) Uber MNL Tips

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