July 01, 2021

Vigan Town Fiesta

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  • Vigan-Fiesta

    WHERE IT ALL VIGAN. Performers pose for a shot as they hold a plateful of longganisa. Photo grabbed from terrytreks.com

    Part and parcel of the Filipino culture are the festivals being celebrated in every town. One of the most popular ones is the Vigan Town Fiesta observed during January 25, in honor of St. Paul the Apostle.

    The Vigan Town Fiesta is commemorated in the northernmost part of the Philippines in Ilocos region. At present, the festival gathers a lot of tourists who come to see the presentations they do for the show. Vigan Town Fiesta is composed of arts and crafts exhibit, carnivals, street dancing performances, and other vivacious performances that celebrate the spirit of Vigan’s cityhood.

    The whole celebration is made in honor of St. Paul the Apostle. The saint is considered the patron saint of the town. Following that, there are some establishments made dedicated to him that are found elsewhere in the city.

    Also, a couple of days ahead of the Vigan Town Fiesta another celebration kicks off the start of the whole Town Fiesta. Longganisa Festival is held every January 22 wherein there is a longganisa-themed parade and other events as well. Longganisa is a native version of Mexican salami, which has a garlic flavor that has become an all time breakfast favorite. Various stalls that sell Vigan’s pride will be seen along the streets in town.

    See a weeklong merriment at one of the most famous tourist destinations in the Philippines and take part in this cultural event that happens in one of the recognized UNESCO World Heritage Site, Vigan.

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