June 30, 2021

Expats’ Guide: Festivals in the Philippines

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  • Expats’ Guide: Festivals in the Philippines
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    We might as well call the Philippines, “the land of festivals”, with fiestas dedicated to the santos, myths, legends and traditions celebrated left and right all across the country. There is the Pahiyas in Lucban (known for their colorful leaf-shaped rice wafers called kiping), the Ati-Atihan (the Philippine equivalent of the Mardi Gras), the Masskara in Negros (that is almost a bacchanal with participants on smiling masks) and the Moriones in Marinduque among others. It does not come as a surprise that foreigners want to experience these festivals whenever they pay a visit in these places.

    Commuting using public transportation is not a bad task to undertake but it is much better to have your own car to travel. Even a rental will do and is much better if accompanied by friends. Imagine the road trips in roads less taken and traveled with adventures waiting to be discovered along the way. Together with the transportation, it is good to keep in mind the place to stay at in the destination you are going. Book in an inn or a decent hotel beforehand to avoid the rush of people joining the festival.

    Due to crowds, it is advised to eat heavy meal before going out and packing in a small bag or finger foods like crackers and biscuits. A jug of water to keep oneself hydrated is also a good idea as the heat in the country can be unbearable, especially during the peak of the day. Do not forget to apply sunscreen with high SPF to protect the skin from harsh elements. Be extra cautious of your belongings as strangers bump shoulder to shoulder in these events. Leave important belongings in a locked hotel room for security.

    Last but not the least, go out of your comfort zone and have fun. The locals would appreciate the additional gaiety brought upon by the participants in their fiestas and festivals.


    Article by Arvee Gomez

    Photo source: rinapaulaburgos.files.wordpress.com

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