July 23, 2021

5 Classic Noche Buena Foods

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  • 5 Classic Noche Buena Foods
  • In the Philippines, Christmas is usually celebrated strarting from the night before, which Filipinos call Noche Buena. Filipinos love to celebrate this yearly tradition with the whole clan because it is the best time for reunions. Typically, Christmas is celebrated at a relative’s house and every member of the family tree is invited. That is why it is truly a big relief (especially for the host) if the Noche Buena is a battle won. The Christmas challenge is not over after all the shopping and gift wrapping; preparing for Noche Buena is just as demanding. Here are the 5 most popular Noche Buena foods that you will most likely see in a typical Filipino Christmas celebration:

    lechon 2

    Photo from Cebu Wedding website

    Lechon (roasted pork) – the star of Noche Buena (or any other grand Filipino gathering). It is one of the dishes that everyone in the family looks forward to. Roasting the pork on a massive bamboo stick is the old fashion way of cooking the lechon.


    Paella – a Spanish influence dish that stayed with the Filipinos for centuries now. It is made of sticky rice and topped with seafood, peas, pork strips and egg. It’s one of those dishes that will please one’s stomach and eyes. Paella gives a Christmas vibe because of its festive look even when served.


    Photo from Kansas Steak & Dessert Comes First website

    Ham and Queso de Bola – aside from being a favorite Christmas give away in the office; this treat is matches all the planned family drinking. The ham comes in different sizes and tastes. And Filipinos love sweet pear shaped ham.


    Fruit Salad – of course, expect the family to prepare a little something for dessert. Mixed with different fresh tropical fruits in a bowl with sweetened milk gives, Fruit Salad is tuly a Pinoy favorite.


    Photo from Dudeskie

    Kare-Kare a traditional Filipino dish which can be cooked with beef, pork or choice of seafood. This is another Noche Buena favorite that easily disappears (if you know what I mean). Make sure that there is enough bagoong!


    Written By: Beth Javines, contributor

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