MNLlikha and Sipat Lawin Ensemble performs own rendition of RE/PLAY Dance Edit
Last January 13 and 14, 2018, MNLlikha and Sipat Lawin Ensemble in collaboration with Offsite Dance Project from Japan performed their own rendition of RE/PLAY Dance Edit at the Power Mac Center Spotlight in Circuit Makati.
RE/PLAY Dance Edit is an 86-minute dance performance from different artists from Philippines, Cambodia, and Japan. It is a rendition of RE/PLAY created by a renowned Japanese theater maker Junnosuke Tada that’s been tweaked for the Manila audience.
Performers for RE/PLAY Dance Edit include Eisa Jocson, Irish Paul Mendoza, Carissa Adea, and John Paul Ortenero from the Philippines; Narim Nam and Sophal Sor from Cambodia; and Kitamari and Sachi Masuda from Japan.
In this dance performance, dancers danced repeatedly with no interruption of their own choreography to different dance moves. They danced simultaneously to We Are the World by USA for Africa, Obladi-Oblada by the Beatles, and a lot more until they collapse from exhaustion, went up and repeated the process for the duration of the said performance.
Guests, on the other hand, watched in complete amazement after witnessing tiring yet enjoyable acts from the performers who gave spine-chilling and breathtaking performances for two consecutive nights.
Through RE/PLAY Dance Edit, diversity was observed and maintained by accepting the presence of borders that reflect differences among performers and guests. Despite having different dance perspectives and cultural backgrounds, RE/PLAY Dance Edit paved its way not only in achieving a harmonious relationship among its performers but in coming up with a performance that will remain in the hearts of their audience.