July 10, 2020

Philippine Primer – Volume 51

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  • Philippine Primer – Volume 51

    COVER – The first half of the year2020 has officially come to close – a stretch of time that was mostly spent battling and coping with a pandemic in ways disparate to one another. And now that we are in the zone of its second half, a question so demanding float’s in the air; what is possibly in store for us this time around? For the month of July, we tackle the infamous “new normal” that the world has to get by with until there’s a vaccine available, together with sets of information vital to gliding along in this situation. These cover application for virtual meetings, website’s offering lessons for kids and adults alike, as well as restaurants and grocery stores offering delivery services.

    JAPAN SPECIAL- It isn’t a fact unknown that traveling is unlikely to return to what it used to be anytime soon, with most borders closed and the aviation industry lending to the blow of the health crisis. The good news, though, is that this doesn’t have to limit anyone from jotting down those travel plans and searching for the best destination for the family. So while you plan and wait for your next travel vacation, we give you one place that is worth being on your list: the prefecture of Hokkaido in Japan, where the whole family could embark in an all- in -one trip of eating, shopping, playing, visiting hot springs, and learning a new culture!


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