Share Star in Hakodate, Japan
This modern mall is located in the heart of Hakodate. It is a five-story mall that houses the biggest Muji shop in Japan, occupying levels 1 to 3. Here, you can buy coffee and shop for clothes and furniture. They also have a mini bookstore inside. Various activities such as exhibitions and workshops are regularly held here.
Located on the fourth level is a community plaza named G SQUARE, dedicated to the people of Hakodate. It’s a place where students can freely study and office workers can finish their work.
In addition, located on the basement floor is the Sharestar Kitchen. It is a classy and spacious area offering different kinds of local food and drinks.
040-0011, 24-1 Hon-cho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido, Japan
This also appears in Philippine Primer English Magazine’s January issue.