May 26, 2017

Ruins of Mile-Long (Mile-Long Barracks) in Corregidor Island

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  • Ruins of Mile-Long (Mile-Long Barracks) in Corregidor Island
  • The Mile-Long Barracks is said to be the “world’s longest military barracks” with a length of 1,520 feet. It is located near Cine Corregidor and the Pacific War Memorial. Also known as the Topside barracks, this building is located at the Topside part of the island.

    IMAGE Philippine Primer

    The barracks weren’t a mile-long (it’s 1/3 of a mile long) , but it said to have been called as such because soldiers used to walk the length of the structure from the third floor down, covering a total of 5,280 feet which is equivalent to a mile.

    The 3-storey structure was the barracks where American officers and enlisted personnel assigned at the garrison quartered. General Douglas MacArthur’s office/headquarters was also said to be located in this building. It used to be a hurricane-proof structure, but all that’s left today is the skeleton of the building – the result of the war that had severely damaged many structures in the island.

    Although the barracks are now in ruins, it remains to be a beautiful sight to see, housing some bits of the country’s history in it.

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