August 05, 2019

26th National PR Congress Tackles Public Perception Shaped in the Era of Social Media

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  • 26th National PR Congress Tackles Public Perception Shaped in the Era of Social Media
  • The National PR Congress is an annual two-day event, spearheaded by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP).

    High-caliber international and local speakers from the PR and communication industry, media, and corporations will grace the event on September 24 and 25 at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City.

    For this year, the theme of the Congress is “Amplify” that aims to deep dive into issues and evaluate current practices and industry developments. One of which is the rise of citizen journalism in the age of perpetual connectivity, its effect on the formation of public perception, and ultimately, its impact on the industry of PR and communication.

    Eager to find out what's in store at PRSP's 26th National PR Congress happening in September? Click on this link:, like the page, and stand by for updates!

    Public Relations Society of the Philippinesさんの投稿 2019年6月20日木曜日

    “Citizen journalism, wokeism, always-on connectivity, and all these are reshaping the communication terrain not only here in the Philippines but also abroad. The challenge for us, as PR and communication practitioners, is to assess our existing approaches and see where we can blend old and new to adapt to the flow,” said PRSP President Andy B. Saracho, APR.

    This year’s Congress Chairperson Ana Pista also shared, “We now have the tools to learn about public opinion and use the knowledge in crafting our messages. We have to recognize the weight of public opinion but also be aware of our responsibility as PR and communication professionals.”

    The congress will be capped off by a framework of an industry roadmap aimed at standardizing and professionalizing the practice.

    For the complete list of speakers and more information about the 26th National PR Congress, you may visit their EventBank page.


    What: 26th National PR Congress
    Where: Function Room 1, SMX Convention Center, Pasay City
    When: September 24 to 25, 2019
    You may register here.
    Types of Passes:

    2-Day Congress Pass

    • Early Bird – Php 14,400
    • Standard – Php 16,000

    4 Breakout Sessions Congress Pass – Php 8,500
    2 Breakout Sessions Congress Pass – Php 4,500

    50% discount for Students
    20% discount for Government Employees, NGOs, Senior Citizens and Members of the Academe

    This is a press release. Minor revisions were made prior to publishing.

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