21st Philippine Academic Book Fair
With the theme: “Booksellers and Educators: A Partnership for Sustainable Education in a Global Environment Amidst Educational Reform”, the 21st Philippine Academic Book Fair is set to happen this March 1-3, at the Ang Bahay ng Alumni, U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City.
The three-day event shall be jointly undertaken by the Academic Booksellers Association of the Philippines (ABAP) and Primetrade Asia, Inc.
Find the most helpful books from more than 20 exhibitors that will be joining the event. Some of them are the Ateneo de Manila University Press, Book Trends Enterprises, C&E Publishing Inc, Catholic Book Center, and more.
Admission is free!
Event Details
What: 21st Philippine Academic Book Fair
When: March 1-3, 2017
Where: Ang Bahay ng Alumni, U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City.
Source: primetradeasia